Saturday, May 15, 2010

Smallville Season 10: Smallville Season 10 Premiere

Smallville Season 10:Season 9 of Smallville's final episode titled "Salvation" and was a finale it was. Compared to last year's "Doomsday" which was hardly any like Doomsday for Earth, it was much more action packed, continued the good storyline that has carried throughout the season and at it's core, was still a love story between Lois and Clark. It also brung Clark CLOSER then EVER to becoming Superman.

The episode began with a flash forward in time to 2013, Lex Luthor is running for the Presidency, Lois Lane is the star reporter at the Daily Planet and Perry White if the Editor in Chief. A plane is about to crash into the Daily Planet and SUPERMAN saves it! All be it in the reflection of the Planet's golden globe but we can see Superman in the reflection carrying the plane away. And if that isn't enough, Clark wakes up and finds a PRESENT from Martha next to him. It is only the FRICKING Superman costume, but again sadly we only see the reflection in his eye. Now to me, if this was to be the SERIES FINALE, then we would have seen the suit for real but since it got renewed, we didn't. There was scrimpings of this throughout the episode much like Veritas back in Season 7.

Firstly, this season will be the last season of Smallville, simply because Clark is too far gone to becoming Superman that it can't not be the last season. Firstly, he has got the cape, second the suit and third says "I know my destiny now". 1+1+1=Superman. The question is, how is he going to stall becoming Superman for a year? Well, could he be too busy trying to prevent a full on alien invasion from Darkseid. Maybe. Could Granny Goodness be Darkseid's agent sent to Earth to search for the Anti-Life Equation working alongside Intergang. This would be the Season long storyline of the Justice League trying to fight Intergang who have advanced weapons. We could also have appearances from Darkseid's Elite: Kalibak, Desaard etc. Then Darkseid himself graces Earth along with his army, battles Clark and is defeated and the world rejoices and proclaims the Blur as the planets protector, like "some kind of Superman". Clark only wears the suit in the final scene. That is my prediction.

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